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Time Management, What Is It Really About?


Time Management, What Is It Really About?

Time management is one of the most important skills to have, but it is often a concept that many businesses, and people, struggle with. Small businesses, in particular, cannot afford to waste time with bad time management and inefficiency. However, the benefits of good time management practices are immeasurable. Businesses that utilize good time management are better positioned to consistently deliver their product, or service, on-time.
Good time management also means that a business is able to solve problems that arise without it significantly impacting day-to-day operations. This is essential for businesses that rely on constant output to increase ROI – a planned, structured schedule provides extra time for problem-solving or unforeseen circumstances.

Time Management, What Is It Really About?

When you get right down to it, time management is really about managing your actions. We all want to use the process of time management to allows us to perform more actions in the day, getting everything done that needs to be done and giving us time to do the things we enjoy doing. But time management isn’t a magical cure for getting the actions done that you need to do. It’s simply a tool. A very powerful tool when used correctly, but still just a tool.
For example, you might learn all there is to know about time management – read countless books, listen to CDs, and maybe even attend a few training courses or seminars. But unless you take action to put what you have learned into practice, it will be time and money wasted. And wasting time, as we both know, is one of the worst things you can do.
On the other hand, perhaps you do decide to take some action, and start to do some of the things you have learned. But only half-heartedly. Maybe you create a to do list at the start of the day, but then never refer to it. Or you organize all your existing files, but just throw any new papers into a single pile. Or you do a few of the exercises you have learned, but never do anything with the results you come up with.
But perhaps the worst thing that can happen when using the tools time management offers is to follow the actions you have learned, refer to the information you write down, but then simply not get anything done. In the case of a to do list, perhaps you draw the list up for the day, then just procrastinate on tackling even the first task. You may not even do it consciously – looking back on the day, things just always seemed to “come up” (although if you are following good time management advice, that excuse shouldn’t apply any more!)

Time Management, What Is It Really About?

If this is happening, it is possible that the issue isn’t time management, but more an issue of motivation.
If the tasks are part of your job, perhaps the work no longer interests you and you need to find another area to work in. If the tasks are for yourself and are related to your personal goals, perhaps the goals you have set for yourself aren’t the correct goals for you? You may have written those goals down because you thought you should, but it’s not really what you want.
Of course it may just be that you didn’t realize you were procrastinating on doing the actions you needed to do, and that realization spurs you on to get everything done!
Ultimately, time management comes down to taking action and applying the methods you have learned to plan your activities, then taking action to do those activities in the most efficient way possible. Everyone can do it – even you!

Differentiate or Die – 3 Keys to Eclipse Your Competition


Differentiate or Die – 3 Keys to Eclipse Your Competition

Business competition is the race or rivalry among business competitors that are competing in the same niche. The purpose of competing with one another is to increase the revenue of the business by increasing the sales and market share. If you’re in the business market, then you should be familiar with the strength and weaknesses of your own business, and also with competitors as well.
The thing about business competition is that it always exists in the business market; you won’t find any field of business where there isn’t any competition. However, some fields are less competitive and the others are more; but business competition in the market is always there.
As the name implies; direct competition means that your competitors are in the same line of business and they are offering the same product and service. Direct competition is something which comes to our mind; when we talk about business or competition. Competition could be about anything which your competitor would target; price, service, particular features, sale point, etc.

Differentiate or Die – 3 Keys to Eclipse Your Competition

Quite frankly there are very few ways to really differentiate yourself from your competition. You make a great product, so do they. You provide top-notch customer service, they do too. Worse yet, there’s probably a competitor out there that already plays a bigger and better game than you. So what can you do about it? Well, here are 3 keys you can start applying immediately to differentiate and separate yourself from the competition:

1. Positioning. Let’s face it. People want to be associated with and buy from those they believe are the best. Back in the early computer days, there was a saying that nobody ever got fired for buying an IBM. IBM was believed by most to be the best personal computer available. Were they? Maybe. However, they were the perceived expert. Gaining this credibility in your field without a doubt tilts the scales in your favor. This is one of the greatest ways to magnetize your business and lead you on a path to create raving fans.

2. Relationship Building. Consistently stay in tune with and in front of your desired audience – not hard selling, but relationship building. When you truly and genuinely have their best interest at heart, and believe me, they can sense it, you lay the foundation for an insurmountable bond to be formed between you. Remember, people buy from people, not, companies.

3. The 180° Marketing Method™. The crux of this methodology is simply to look at what your competition is doing and do something else. Dare to be different. The best way to successfully pull this off is to look into other industries and pioneer their successful marketing ideas and techniques in your industry. I hate to be the one to tell you but, most marketing ideas and techniques have already been done somewhere by someone. So why try to reinvent the wheel. I’m not saying plagiarize here. I’m simply saying learn from the success others have had before you – especially by leveraging ideas and techniques that are new to your industry.

Differentiate or Die – 3 Keys to Eclipse Your Competition

There’s a great quote floating around that’s attributed to both Zig Ziglar and Dr. Kenneth McFarland that goes something like this: “There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile.” Applying these 3 keys will definitely get you traveling along that extra mile and seperate you from your competition.

So while most businesses are out there like lemmings playing follow-the-follower, I challenge you to step it up and dare to be different. Be a leader and go it alone on the road less traveled and I guarantee people will stop and take notice.

A Purpose Driven Home Based Business


A Purpose Driven Home Based Business

Have you been thinking about leaving your job and starting a work at home enterprise? If you have mentioned your desire to anyone other than another entrepreneur you may have been discouraged. For many people it is hard to understand why anyone would want to leave “the safety and security” of a job and “risk their lively hood.” But if you have ever been hit by an entrepreneurial seizure there is something that happens which is unexplainable.
If you are willing to respond to this deep emotion you will never be happy living your life by a job description. You want more. A cubicle will feel like a prison and until you create something you can call your own you will feel like each day a part of you is making a deal with the devil.
For most people starting a business is a scary proposition. So how do you create an environment that pulls you towards success? What can you do to inspire yourself to take your life back and build wealth from home? Creating a purpose driven home based business is the winning combination that blends living your passion and profiting from it.

A Purpose Driven Home Based Business

Here are 7 seven steps you can take towards a purpose driven work at home career:
1. You can create a vision and mission for your home based enterprise that inspires you. Life is too short. When you make the decision to leave the rat race you don’t want to create a business that’s simply another job. So why are you taking this journey? What do you want your business to look like?
For example, I am clear that my home based venture is as much about lifestyle as it is profit. When ever I work on my business I look at my mission that includes income developed through passive income and working no more than 25 hours a week.
Why? Because after 15+ years in Corporate America I learned that what are important to me are my personal relationships. I no longer wanted to trade my time for money. At the end of my life I don’t want to remember how many hours I worked for someone else or the sacrifices I made for a company. As a result, my vision is to create a lifestyle that allows me to enjoy life with the people I care about.
What is your vision for your business? Try to include all of your senses. What will it look like when you get there? How will you feel? Who will be there to celebrate with you? With you smell the breeze of the ocean water or the pungent fragrance of swaying honeysuckle? The more you connect with your vision the more you will be inspired.
2. Create your business based around something you are passionate about. There is something magical that happens when you are operating in something you love to do and are uniquely good at. Have you ever had a job you hated? How did you feel? You will never live a life of purpose doing something you don’t like. Discover your passion and give it all you’ve got.
For years I worked in jobs that I was good at but hated. However, when I struck out on my own I wanted to have a life I loved. I uncovered my unique talents and went to work. And what happened for me can happen for you.
When you start to live the life you were born to do the universe makes all of the resources available to you that you need to be successful. So what are you passionate about? What skills and talents do you have you can create a life and business around? Write down two or three skills have that would be utilized in your purpose driven business.
3. Make your business a business that is bigger than you. What would it feel like to know that your business was directly responsible for impacting the world in some way? How would you feel to know that when you passed on people from around the world would thank you for the part you played in creating something of value that was important to them?
At first, this line of thinking can be overwhelming. However, not when you start to think of what is at the core of any business. Your goal is to find a solution to your customers’ problems. And in exchange they are willing to pay you for it. To the extent that you get to know their hopes, desires, dreams and pains and you help to successfully maneuver the maze of life they will be forever grateful.
So how can your venture make its mark in the world? My goal is to help people discover their passion, monetize it and live a life they love. I personally want to help 1000 people in the next 3 years take their life back and build wealth from home. The very thought that I could play a small part in helping someone else do this gives my business a purpose much bigger than me.
Write down one goal that you have for your business that is bigger than you. Make sure you keep the goal in front of you where you can see it everyday.
4. Develop a business plan that supports your values and beliefs. Whenever you are working to accomplish something great you must have a plan. The creation of your business plan is the map that you will use to guide you through your journey. One of the keys to a successful plan is to make sure everything you do is consistent with your values and beliefs.
For example, if you have a family and want to spend more time with them you don’t want to build a business that requires you to spend long amounts of time away from them to build.
Don’t get me wrong. You will make choices and sacrifices. However, those should be things that are short term and spelled out. You want to be clear what you are giving up or making adjustments and what you will get in return.
“Strive for integrity–that means knowing your values in life and behaving in a way that is consistent with these values.” —author unknown. When you are building something that is consistent with who you are as a person your daily actions will feed your soul.
5. Consider giving a percentage of the profits to an organization you love. I love the quote, “No one has ever become poor by giving.” –Anne Frank. Actually our lives are enriched when we give.
For example, maybe you have a religious organization you would like to tithe to. Or you might like to help a cause that is close to your heart. One of my favorite charitable organizations is the Junior Achievement.
Junior Achievement uses hands-on experiences to help young people understand the economics of life. This organization partners with business leaders and educators. The mission of Junior Achievement is to bring the real world to students and open their mind to their potential.
I chose to contribute to this organization because I love to see young people find their passion and follow it early in life. I feel like my life is enriched when I can help a young person discover their passion and avoid the rat race.
Do you have an organization you would like to contribute to? Think about how you would feel if your company was contributing to an organization that was helping to make a difference in the world.
6. Extend your hand to help someone who wants to do what you do. One of the ways to give purpose to your business is to teach, coach or mentor a person. There are people who would love to benefit from the knowledge and expertise you have acquired.
You might want to teach a class or create a coaching club. You can impact several people at once and leverage your time.
Who can you reach out to and help? What vehicle will you use to make a difference for someone else? Write down 3 ideas and implement one immediately.
7. Create a community by enrolling others to make it happen. Have you ever experienced the power of what happens when several people are committed to one goal? There is a powerful force that happens when you speak your purpose out loud and invite others to become a part of it.
Look for opportunities to have customers, friends, family and colleagues to become a part of the mission of your business. Your company could become a cause for change in the world.
For example, who would ever imagine that the purpose of a greeting card company was to change peoples lives one card at a time? Well it’s true. I had the privileged of hearing the CEO of this greeting card speak.
He told the story of how he had a prompting to say goodbye one more time to his brother when he was moving and failed to do so. Shortly after the move he got a phone call that his brother had died tragically. He was haunted by the fact he had failed to say good bye.

A Purpose Driven Home Based Business

Later he was inspired to create a greeting card company that allows people to act on their promptings. Never again, would anyone miss any opportunity to send someone they care about a card. His passion and commitment about his business is contagious. He truly embodies the characteristics of a purposed driven home based business.
So the choice is yours. You can create a business that focuses solely on making a buck and during the difficult times it might not be enough to get you through. Or you can create something with purpose. These 7 traits are a winning combination. Life is truly a joy when you can have a home based business with purpose and profit from it.

Work at Home Business…7 Rules To Live By


Work at Home Business…7 Rules To Live By

So you’ve decided to become financially independent! You’ve chosen to work at home. Congratulations! I’m sure this is a decision that can turn your life around and lead you to financial freedom.
But that is going to happen only if you’re careful enough to let it happen! There are a few things you should really look out for when deciding to work at home.
When you set out to give the work at home business thing a try, you’ll find out that this was just the easy part! The hard part is to discover which one is right for you.
With all these so called “opportunities” that flood the internet, you should be very careful in choosing a work at home business. To help you, I have put together a few simple rules :
Rule #1 : Try to avoid “get rich quick deals”
Now that’s a golden rule! Usually, when something sounds too good to be true then it probably is!
Oh, I know these sound appealing and of course you would like to get paid for doing nothing (so would the rest of us!). But don’t you think that if these people had the magic solution to making big money they would use it instead of trying to sell it to you for whatever price?
It’s sad to know that so many people end up feeling frustrated when they realize that they have wasted their time and hard earned money. There are no magic tricks! Commitment and hard work instead, can make you rich.
Rule #2 : Find a program that you really like and can work with
Another rule that’s essential! Say that you come across a program that requires you to sell life insurance. You hate insurance people, you think they’re full of hype.
So what, the compensation plan looks great! What would you do? Would you join the program? Could you picture yourself selling life insurance even if you hate the very idea?
The answer is that you’re never going to make any money doing something you don’t like!

Work at Home Business…7 Rules To Live By

The point I am trying to make here is, that you should go on and find out everything there is to know about the program you are interested in. Just spend some time doing an essential reading through the available material (company website, related articles etc).
Try to get an overview of how the system works and if you need more information or if you get confused , go ahead and ask the person who referred you to the program for help. Doing your homework always pays off.
Rule #3 : Make sure you know exactly what you’re getting for your money
There are just too many companies out there that present you with sales letters as long as a book but not even a hint as to what you are actually getting in return!
If the product they’re selling is that good and is going to make you so much money, why hide it? Why only mention it in the last few paragraphs?
Ok, I know, it’s the way sales are closed. Still, you would like to know exactly what you’re buying. It could save you a lot of grief!
Rule #4 : Perform a background check on the company
The longer it has been around, the better. This way you know that you’re dealing with an established company that will not go bankrupt 4 months after you join!
It has been known for people to lose their online businesses and commissions owed to them for this very reason. Choosing a quality company is essential but can prove critical to the survival of your work at home business.
Rule #5 : Make sure you’re going to get all the help that you need
It’s just typical for someone to join a program, pay his membership fee or buy a product and then be left in the dark, not sure what on earth to do next!
Again, I’m repeating myself here but this is important, try to get an overview of how the system works, who your upline people are and how they can help you.
If you need more information or if you get confused, go ahead and ask the person who referred you to the program for help. In this way not only will you get an idea of how the program is structured but you would also be testing your referrer to see if he/she will respond promptly to your need for help.
But first, you have to have an idea of how the program works.
Rule #6 : Check out the compensation plan
Ok, so you’ve joined a program which ,hopefully, is going to make you rich. Do you know how this is going to happen?
It’s not necessary that you know every detail about the compensation plan from the first day that you join. But still, wouldn’t you like to know if you’re getting 5% or 60% commission on an average sale?
After all, it takes the same amount of effort to generate a sale. Wouldn’t you like to be paid more?
Rule #7 : Do not spend much at the beginning
A legitimate work at home business should be able to operate at a minimum/low cost. You should not have to invest a lot of money in any home business. At least not in the beginning.
When you do decide to invest some money into your own home business, this should be your own decision, not someone else’s and must arise from your understanding that a business is what you make it.
There are more rules that I can add to these and make a really long list but this is not my goal. My goal is to provide a clear path, a few steps that should be easy to follow through the minefield of schemes and “get-rich-quick” deals to a company you can really trust.

Work at Home Business…7 Rules To Live By

Using your own common sense is as important as having these rules in mind when looking for an opportunity or a work at home business.
Your decision to join a program should be the result of considering facts and should not in any case come from mere curiosity. Keep in mind that there are very few true work at home opportunities out there and you have to find the one that’s perfect for you!

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