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Entrepreneurial Success Mindset: Be Grateful

Entrepreneurial Success Mindset: Be Grateful

There is nothing like achieving the success you want to make you grateful, but eventually the newness wears off and you forget to be grateful. There are so many opportunities to be grateful each and every day and so many reasons to do so. For one thing, people around you will be happier and much more willing to spend time with you. You’ll also be happier yourself and have a more positive attitude. You’ll also find that everyone is more willing to help you when they know that you’re grateful for everything that you have and everything that you receive.
People Who Feel Entitled
You have probably encountered people who feel entitled. They somehow believe that they deserve to have success without working for it, even though all of the other successful people in the world have had to work their butts off to get where they are. These people are always negative, they whine and complain about any work that they have to do and believe that
the world should be handed to them on a silver platter. If you are one of these people, stop! If you just know people like that make sure you avoid ever falling into that trap because it is a pit of negativity that is very difficult to crawl out of.

Entrepreneurial Success Mindset: Be Grateful

Be thankful for the opportunities that you have. If you live in a developed country, think of all the people around the world who don’t have the opportunities that you have. Think of people who not only don’t have access to the Internet and the ability to start their own business online, but they don’t even have access to clean water or electricity. The opportunity to
build a business and achieve that much success is nothing to be scoffed at. If you have that opportunity, you are a very lucky person and you should be grateful for it.
Also, you should be grateful for the teachers that you have in the information that you’re able to acquire, from the Internet or whatever sources you are using. You should be grateful for the teachers that you have, that they have the knowledge to teach and that they are willing to teach you.
There actually are successful people out there who don’t subscribe to this particular thought model, instead taking the approach that the more people they shared the secret of their success with, the more competition there will be, which will apparently somehow devalue their own success, even if it’s not the same industry. However, most successful people are really grateful for those who help them get where they are today.
You’ve probably heard of Tony Robbins. Tony is a motivational speaker, author and very successful individual. Even with as much success as he’s had, and all the things that he has done to create this environment for himself, he is still immensely grateful to the people who helped him get where he is today. In a recent interview with Robbins said that he is still grateful to his earliest mentor, a man named Jim Rohn, who motivated Tony Robbins when he was very young.
Follow Tony’s example and be grateful because there are benefits; not only the ones mentioned in the first paragraph of this chapter, but also some pretty amazing benefits for your business itself. Science can’t seem to find a metric to measure, but people that are grateful for all the opportunities that they had and all of the people who have helped them, are more likely to be successful than those who are not, and are usually several times more successful.

Entrepreneurial Success Mindset: Be Grateful

It’s okay if you don’t feel that you’re at the point where you can be very grateful. Like anything else, being grateful takes practice. You might actually have to think hard about what you have to be grateful for when it comes to your online business, or you may have to wait until you actually do have something to be grateful for. The point is, start changing the way that you think. This grateful attitude goes along with everything else in this book. You are just being grateful because you should, you’re being grateful because it changes you as a person; it makes you a better person and it magnifies your success.
Start a Gratitude Journal
One of the things that you can do to become better at being grateful is to start a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is when you sit down at the end of the day and write down some of the things that you’re grateful for. You can use your computer, you can use a piece of paper and a pen or even a smart phone app if you prefer. Just as long as you spend a little time each day thinking about what you have to be thankful for, writing it down and using it to further your success.
Ways That You Can Show Your Gratitude
One of the things that you can do to give back is use whatever assets that you have gained from being successful to help someone else. If you’re an Amazon affiliate, and you’re getting your first check from Amazon for just over $100, if you can afford it donated to charity, or take it down to your local soup kitchen to help buy groceries or even outsource some of the
things that you need for your business so that other people can make money too.
If you can show the world that you’re grateful, the world will keep giving you opportunities and information to help you be successful. It sounds hokey, like some sort of new age philosophy, but it truly is the way this thing works and if you talk to anyone who has achieved a decent level of success they will tell you that positive attitude, gratefulness and a willingness to learn are all keys to success.

The Customer Experience Today – Better Think Mobile!

The Customer Experience Today – Better Think Mobile!

Marketing experts predicted that 2020 would be the year that mobile searches outnumbered desktop computer searches on Google. Those predictions proved to be accurate. What that means for local business owners in 2021 is that, like it or not, mobile marketing has to be a priority. It’s no longer reasonable to deny the importance of reaching out to mobile customers.
With so many options available to consumers, it is absolutely essential to make it easy for them to connect with you. Having a mobile-friendly site used to be optional, but now it’s a requirement. The easier you make it for your customers to interact with your business, the more likely they are to buy your product. This type of outreach is especially vital for local businesses. Google’s recent “Mobile Path to Purchase” study showed that approximately 93% of mobile customers who researched a company using their mobile devices went on to make a purchase.
Keeping that in mind, here are the top four ways you can target mobile customers in 2021.

The Customer Experience Today – Better Think Mobile!

#1: Use text messaging to reach customers on the go
Text messages, or SMS messages, are a surprisingly underutilized form of marketing. They’re inexpensive to send, and text messages are more likely to be opened than traditional marketing emails. In fact, the open rate for text messages is about 99% — not a statistic you can afford to ignore.
Text messages can be used to send out information about sales and promotions. Mobile users love to feel that they’re getting something exclusive, so mobile-only coupons can be an effective way to get people into your store. You can even time their release so that they reach customers right before they leave work – a great option for restaurants offering happy hour promotions. You can also use text messages to remind customers of upcoming appointments.
It’s important to remember that customers must opt in to receive SMS messages. However, many people prefer to receive text messages rather than getting emails, so it’s a good idea to consider collecting mobile numbers.
One service that offers affordable text messaging services is SumoText.

The Customer Experience Today – Better Think Mobile!

#2: Optimize marketing emails for mobile inboxes
As a rule, people spend more time accessing the internet on mobile devices than they do on desktop computers. Your marketing emails need to embrace that trend and make it easy for customers to read them on any device. For example, you should:

  1. Limit subject lines to 35 characters or less
  2. Use a responsive design
  3. Implement a single-column layout for easy reading
  4. Use alt attributes for images
  5. Make your call to action button large and easy to access on mobile devices

It may also help to keep your emails relatively short and as uncluttered as possible. An email built around a single column of text, a strong image, and a clear call to action will be friendly for both mobile users and computer users.
#3: Ramp up your local SEO
There’s no point in being mobile-friendly if you’re not going to do everything you can to make it simple for your customers to find you. That means you need to optimize your mobile site for local search so when customers seek you out using a mobile device, they can find you. Google laid out its guidelines for mobile-friendly sites in 2015. Here are some things you can do to make sure your customers can locate you:

  1. Standardize your business listings on social media pages, online review sites, and online directories. Your NAP (name, address, and phone) listings must be identical on every site if you want your search ranking to be high. Using “Avenue” on one site and “Ave” on another will dilute your listings’ power.
  2. Make sure to use local keywords on your website. For example, a long-tail keyword like “Suburban Chicago plumbing service” is going to help your local ranking while “plumbing service” will not.
  3. Optimize your listing on Google Maps so that smart phones can calculate where you are in relation to a mobile user’s location.

You want your mobile users to be able to find you when they are out and about – and that means doing everything you can to make your business visible and accessible.
#4: Use Local Awareness Facebook Ads
One of the great things about social media advertising is that it lets you target customers based on detailed demographic information, including their geographical location. One thing to consider when it comes to mobile marketing is using Facebook to target ads to nearby mobile users in your area.
A targeted Local Awareness Facebook ad will reach customers when they access Facebook on their mobile devices. For example, someone out running errands on a Saturday might see an ad for your store and decide to stop in while they’re in the area. The benefit of this type of advertising is that it is inexpensive – Facebook lets you set a daily budget as low as one dollar – and highly targeted. You only get charged for people who engage with your ad, and you can be sure that your ad is only seen by the customers you decide to target.
If you are not already collecting mobile numbers from the people on your list, now is the perfect time to start. You might consider sending out an email (in mobile-friendly format, of course) that gives customers a chance to opt-in for text messages. It’s a good idea to start with a coupon or special offer – think of it as a mobile lead magnet. Once people have opted in, you can use the information you collect to send out information about new products, sales, in-store promotions, and more.
Mobile marketing used to be the wave of the future, but the future is here right now. Every local business should be targeting mobile customers, and the four simple techniques outlined in this article will help you start doing that right away. 2016 will be the year of mobile marketing, and you don’t want to be left behind.

Building Your Online Brand


Building Your Online Brand

Have you given much thought to building an online brand for your small business? If you’re like a lot of business owners, you haven’t. You spend your days wearing many different hats, handling everything from accounting to ordering to marketing. If you don’t have a dedicated marketing person, then brand building might be a low priority – but it shouldn’t be.
The truth is that even if you don’t have a website, online store, or social media presence, you have an online brand. Recent research shows that 80% of consumers research brands and products online before making a purchase. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you build a solid online brand for your business starting today.

Building Your Online Brand

The first thing you need to do, even if you don’t have a website, is to check out your listings online and make sure they are consistent. Your name, address and phone number – also known as your NAP listing – plays a big role in how easy it is to find you online. Even if you have a professional website, inconsistent NAP listings can affect your rank on Google and other search engines. To give you an idea of how nitpicky these things are, keep in mind that even something as simple as having “Ave” on one listing and “Avenue” on another can be a problem. Pick the format you want and then stick with it.
To ensure that you catch everything, do a Google search and then check specific listings that you think might be relevant. For example, even if you have never claimed your listing on Yelp, you might have one there. The same goes for Google My Business and local business directories. It might be time-consuming, but make the effort to go through and claim everything.
If you search a promising directory and find that your business isn’t listed there, find out how to get it listed. Citations, even if they’re just a listing of your NAP, can help to build your online profile and attract people to your business. Keep in mind that it may take a few days or even weeks for your new or updated listings to appear.
Tip #2: Optimize for mobile users
2015 marked a turning point in online search. It was the first year that mobile searches outpaced searches done on desktop computers, a trend that is expected to continue going forward. Combine that statistic with Google’s recent “Mobilegeddon” update – and the promise of more such updates to come – and there is no denying that you have to make your business easy to find for mobile customers if you want to succeed.
If you have a website, then the best option is a mobile-responsive design – one that automatically detects the type of device being used to view the site and adapts accordingly. Such designs ensure that mobile users won’t have to scroll horizontally to read your content, or have to deal with trying to hit a teeny call to action button on their screen.
It’s not enough just to make your site accessible on mobile devices. You also need to do user testing to ensure that your pages load quickly and respond well to user activities. Mobile users are notoriously impatient, and a page that takes more than a few seconds to load will likely see a high bounce rate. If you have a WordPress site, making it mobile-responsible should be easy. All you need to do is choose a mobile-responsive theme for your site. However, if you want a more detailed overview of what is required to get your site mobile-ready, click here.

Building Your Online Brand

The #LoveLocal movement is gaining traction online as a way of encouraging people to buy from local and small businesses. One way to build your local reputation is to take the time to network with other small business owners. They know better than anybody else how difficult it can be to keep a small business afloat, and they are often very eager to refer customers to other local businesses to keep the community thriving.
Consider visiting Townsquared and seeking out other entrepreneurs and business owners in your area. You can establish yourself as an authority, learn about other local companies, and even build partnerships and referral sources.
Tip #4: Use social media effectively
There’s no denying that social media use is high – and getting higher every day. If you aren’t already using social media to build your brand, then it’s time to get serious about it.
A well-thought-out social media strategy can help you connect with existing customers and attract new ones. People love to connect with their favorite brands, but it’s important to remember the “social” in social media. Nobody is going to follow you on Facebook or Pinterest in the hopes of being hit with a barrage of aggressive sales pitches. Your social media content should follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of what you post should be interesting and relevant content that provides value to your followers, and only 20% should address your specific products and services.
Certain industries and businesses are better adapted to some social media sites than others. For example, if you sell an aspirational product that lends itself well to being photographed, especially if your product appeals to women, then Pinterest is a great choice. Facebook is still the most widely-used social media site, and the most versatile. Instagram and Snapchat are highly visual and tend to lend themselves to marketing to young people.
Whatever sites you decide to use, make sure to post regularly and always keep your brand in mind. The voice you use on social media should reflect how you want people to perceive you.
Tip #5: Stretch your ad dollars by focusing on paid social media advertising
Finally, if you’re on a tight budget and don’t have much money for advertising, consider using your dollars wisely by advertising on social media. Ranking for top keywords on Google can be difficult, and the competition (and the cost) is high. Social media advertising is very affordable and versatile. You can target your ad so that it reaches one of two groups: your followers and their friends; or a chosen group targeted by demographics and interests. Research shows that users are most likely to make a purchase when they have repeated exposure to a company or brand. Every time a user sees your ad, it increases the likelihood that they will eventually buy from you.
Advertising on some social media sites is still rolling out and not available to everyone, but Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter all have well-established programs. You can run a Facebook ad for as little as a dollar a day, and they provide free analytics so you can see how your ad is performing.
The bottom line is that you have an online brand. Whether you are managing it properly is another question. By using the tips provided above, you can claim your online brand and build it into something that accurately represents your business – and you.

10 Powerful Tips for the Newbie Internet Business Entrepreneur


10 Powerful Tips for the Newbie Internet Business Entrepreneur

For the newbie Internet business entrepreneur, here are the 10 most powerful unwritten rules that may well prevent you from ‘skidding into the ditch’. Make a point of reading through them monthly and remain focused on the road ahead!
First and foremost, Lets look at the advantages of creating and building an online income. Our place of work is open for business 24/7 so we can work when we want and for as long as we want. Many of our regular duties can be run on auto-pilot leaving us with more time for family, social and leisure activities. This situation offers a less stressful working environment, and to a certain extent we are in control of your own rewards. However, it is important to remember that there are few ‘Get-Rich-Quick’ schemes on the Internet. Look at your internet business the same way  you would if you were creating an offline business, which, in order to be successful, requires commitment and a positive attitude right from the offset, with scant reward in the early days.
Whilst it is important to have your mindset focused on a full-time successful internet business, it is useful, especially early in your Internet career, as part of the learning curve, to try out a few programs in your spare time. Get the feel of the Internet marketing arena and at the same time learn a little about HTML, Scripts, creating attractive images and even building your first website! This can all be achieved as a ‘spare time’ activity. Don’t sack your boss till you have the confidence in your complete ability to earn regular income. There may be a lot to learn but, trust me, if you’re focused, it will be worth the effort.
NEVER.. get involved in ‘get paid to read email’ sites, they are scams and you wont earn a penny, and they won’t answer your emails of complaint! MLM too, or in fact any website telling you that your money will be doubled or trebled in a matter of days, or you will become rich overnight, are scams. Avoid them!! It’s not difficult to find bona fide traders on the Internet. Look for offline contact points. An address or telephone number is a good sign they are genuine. Another good test is to send them an email before you sign up to see how efficiently they reply. Avoid the ‘Get-Rich-Quick’ schemes. They don’t work!

10 Powerful Tips for the Newbie Internet Business Entrepreneur

Imagine you discovered a method of earning huge amounts of money on the Internet. Would you then offer to tell everyone about your ‘secret formula’? I don’t think so! You will no doubt come across those who will try to convince you they have found such a recipe, and no doubt offer to share it with you. Believe me it will cost you, not just financially but in wasted time too. Always shy away when you see the word ‘Secrets’, or see boasts of huge income!
Similarly, ask yourself this.. would a guy who says he’s earning several million dollars a year, bother to write and market an eBook describing how he did it? I think not! Go with your first instincts, they are usually quite accurate!
Don’t pay too much attention to images of earnings checks or bank statements purportedly demonstrating how much the account-holder has earned, It is a simple task to create whatever you want with a little creativity. The same goes for letters of recommendation or testimonials. Anyone can write them or get their colleagues to do so! They may con some, but don’t let it be you!

10 Powerful Tips for the Newbie Internet Business Entrepreneur

Think positive and stay focused at all times. If you were to take a close look at all the successful Internet marketers, who have made a great deal of money from their endeavors, you would find they have one thing in common! Dedication!! They are prepared to work hard and long to achieve their goals. They do not lose heart if everything doesn’t come together today, and they are rarely influenced by the ‘quick buck’. I cannot stress this point often enough to you…
Be organized! Keep all your business activities logged and documents filed in the correct folders. Check your email accounts at least daily and file the important ones. Don’t be frightened to name a file or folder with a long name (within reason). You should be able to access any file, folder, software or email within 30 seconds. So much time can be saved with a tidy desktop!
Stick to the basic etiquette of Internet Marketing. Don’t be tempted to send out high volume unsolicited email (spam). It won’t be worth the hassle believe me! Read the Terms and conditions section when you join a program and if you decide to sign up.. then adhere to those terms. You will make useful contacts during your internet business campaigns. Try not to ‘stand on toes’
Avoid leaving large amounts of funding in any online marketing or promotion website! Most websites have a strict policy on spamming and if you are ever accused (rightly or wrongly) of sending unsolicited emails, you are likely to have your account closed, which could result in you losing your funding too!
So that’s it! Not a set of rules… more a collection of simple guidelines which, if applied, will serve to make your Internet Marketing experience a safer and more enjoyable journey!  Here a just a few tips to make your internet business successful.  Thanks!

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