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How to Write Amazing Blog Content (That Keeps People Coming Back)


How to Write Amazing Blog Content (That Keeps People Coming Back)

By now, you’ve probably heard the phrase that “Content is King” right?  Throughout all the algorithm updates Google has releases over the last six years – one thing has never changed.  Google loves to index fresh content.
Content Marketing is an amazing strategy to find and engage with loyal customers – and it’s only increasing in popularity because 90% of customers prefer to learn about a brand through content vs ads.
But simply knowing that you need excellent content is one thing – creating it is a whole other thing altogether.
Just recently, Google made an appeal to website owners regarding their use of SEO techniques. What the search engine giant essentially said was that these techniques are not the most important considerations for ranking highly in the search results.
The most important factor is that website owners offer relevant and quality info to their readers. If you do that, Google will reward you with better rankings in their search engine.
This has given rise to the term content marketing, which is simply a new name for a very old concept. By publishing interesting and engaging content for your website visitors, which converts a percentage of them into regular visitors while at the same time, attracting new ones too.

How to Write Amazing Blog Content (That Keeps People Coming Back)

The ultimate purpose of content marketing is to get your visitors to do something that you want them to do. Such as to sign up for your newsletter or visit your brick-and-mortar location and buy your products & services.
But that begs the question: what is “interesting” content?
A lot of people get it all wrong when it comes to blog content.  Too much self-promotion is the fastest way to get a reader to click the back button so what should you feature instead?
Choose Topics That Interest Your Readers
What you post all depends on your business industry. Ask yourself what your website is about. And then put yourself in your reader’s shoes.  What content would they find useful?
Here are some suggestions for your topics:

  1. “How to” articles. If you sell products, you can write articles on how to use these products, or how to take care of them.

If you offer services of some kind, you could write about how to get the most out of the service you provide or preventative maintenance to avoid it from happening again
Another idea is to create a buying guide. These are practical tips that many consumers and customers will find useful. And they also establish your authority in your industry.

  1. List-type articles. Most people love lists. Publishing articles like “the top 3 most energy efficient double pane windows” or “most popular hair styles of the season for women in their 20’s” etc. You can also publish the top ten worst lists, just to give you some ideas.

Check out many of the list-type articles online, and you’ll notice that they also generate a lot of comments. Some comments may offer suggestions as to which items were left out from the list, (which gives you valuable insight) while others agree with your choices. What’s undeniable is that these lists can attract a lot of active interest – which is a good thing.

  1. Head-to-head comparisons. A lot of car magazines pit one car against another car in its comparison reviews, and you can do the same thing with your own products or services. This offers a tangible demonstration of how your business is better than your competitors.

The trick here is to pick a suitable match for your comparison, and then emphasize the ways in which your business is better.

  1. Answer Common FAQs – Do you find that customers ask the same question over and over? Then it makes sense to create a blog that answers it.

Instead of repeatedly having to explain it, you can post a link to your blog post on your social networks and direct customers there for other great information too.

  1. Video Posts, also referred to as “vlogs”– Do you own a smartphone or video camera? Consider starting your own “how to” series on topics in your industry. Post your videos to a dedicated YouTube channel, add them to your written blog posts, and promote them through your social media channels.

How to Write Amazing Blog Content (That Keeps People Coming Back)

The best way to engage your audience to know who your audience is and what type of profile they have.  By knowing their profile and having an idea of who your visitors are in your head, you can create content that they would find interesting even if the topic isn’t directly linked to your products or services.
The tone of your blog content matters too.  It’s not just what you say… It’s how you say it. For some businesses, like a landscaping service for example – a casual “write as you speak” tone might work best. Giving tips on how to get a greener lawn should probably be written in a more “neighborly advice” tone.
But for other industries like legal services a more professional tone will likely be more appropriate – but again it all depends on your audience.
There’s an exception to this rule, however. For many smaller businesses, where you are the “face” of your own business it’s also important that your readers get a sense of who you are.
In this circumstance you’re aiming for a more “intimate” relationship with your blog so people can identify with you easier – which will help to build your personal brand.
Final Notes
Blog articles are not purely words. Graphics and images will help illustrate your message better.  Also, consistency is critical. Updating your blog regularly has a multitude of benefits – including better SEO rankings.
Don’t be afraid to delegate – you don’t have to write ALL your content yourself.  Guest bloggers or even your employees can contribute articles. A blog that is not updated often will eventually lose its readership.
There are many ingredients to creating amazing content for your blog. Hopefully by implementing some of these suggestions you can create a content recipe for a successful blog that has your visitors coming back for more!

Affiliate Products


Affiliate Products

Once your site is up and populated with a few articles, you can start adding some affiliate links, as well as affiliate products. But remember, you can’t treat this the same way you might have those micro niche sites that were so popular a few years ago! It takes finesse! Don’t put affiliate links in every single article.
Don’t use banners on your site unless you’re using a PPC ad network for extra income. Banners just don’t work anymore. Instead, you should create posts that are solely mean to promote a particular product, without making it seem like you’re promoting the product.
Basically, this means demonstrating the use of the product in some way without making your post seem like nothing but an ad. For example, let’s say you want to sell some really cool kitchen gadget. You could make a video of yourself preparing some dish that uses the gadget and shows just how cool it really is. (Alternately, you could embed someone else’s video and just talk about how cool it is in your article.)
Then you could provide an affiliate link to the product at the end of your article. Do not use banners or anything like that, because you don’t want to seem too promotional, but at the same time, don’t hide that you’re using an affiliate link, because that’s against Amazon’s terms, and could also upset your visitors.
I would promote an affiliate product in maybe 1:5 posts or 1:10. I know this seems like you won’t be making much money, but if you’re promoting affiliate links more often than that, people will become blind to them and think you’re all about money rather than user experience. In the long run, you’ll make more money with fewer ads, because more people will visit your site often in anticipation of new content.

Affiliate Products

Make sure you find the best-of-the-best when it comes to the products you promote. If possible, test each item yourself so you can be sure it really works. An added bonus to testing it yourself is the ability to post your own pictures and/or videos, which will help you seem more authentic in its promotion, thus increasing sales.
Also, be sure to promote products in a wide range of prices. If you’re only promoting affiliate products over $100, people will grow tired of it. Not everyone can afford to splurge on expensive items often. Be sure you throw the occasional $5 item into the mix.
You can even say, “I can’t believe how inexpensive this is!” And don’t worry about the miniscule commission you’ll receive when you promote a $5 item. Many people will end up ordering more than just that $5 commission, and you’ll make money on whatever else they purchase, too!

Affiliate Products

Perhaps the most difficult part of this process is finding traffic, but even that isn’t particularly difficult once you understand the various social media outlets and how they work. It’s actually easier than ever before to get traffic to a website!
It’s a good idea to have a presence on all of the most prominent social sites, including:
• YouTube
• Pinterest
• Twitter
• Facebook
• Instagram
• Snapchat
If you’re not very familiar with social media, it’s time to change that. If you’re going to be successful online these days, social media is an absolute must unless you’re willing (and able) to shell out big money on paid ads. Plus, the most effective paid ads these days tend to be on the social networks, anyway. Either way, you need to get familiar with all of the major networks.
If you want to get started learning how to use social media for effective website promotion, I recommend checking out:


This site has a ton of articles and tutorials to help you get started on social media. If you spend a couple of days on this site, you’ll learn the basics of all the major social media platforms on no time.
Don’t want to jump into too many new sites at once? If you only want to get started on a handful of sites, first, that’s okay.
There are really three sites you should focus on in the beginning:
1. Facebook – This is the goliath of social media. It’s important to get a fan page created for your website ASAP.
2. Pinterest – There’s not many sites that can bring more traffic than Pinterest, especially if you use it correctly. Post often, post relevant content that is likely to be re-pinned a lot, and follow as many accounts relevant to your niche as you can.
3. Instagram – You may have been expecting Twitter to be the third site, but I’ve actually found Instagram a lot more effective than Twitter. There are no “secrets” to Instagram, really. Just follow relevant users, like and comment on their content, and post great images on a regular basis with relevant hashtags. It’s easy.
Twitter is probably the next one you should focus on, followed by YouTube, and then others like Snapchat.
Be careful to grow your social media at a natural rate. If you follow too many people, make too many comments, etc., too quickly, you could get banned.

How Clarity is a Powerful Way to Get Your Goals


How Clarity is a Powerful Way to Get Your Goals

So, you are ready to make some goals. In order to discuss goals are going to use the analogy of a vacation that you are traveling to by car (picturing the station wagon from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is perfectly acceptable). The goals that you set are like the ultimate destination, the place that you’re going.

The vehicle that you’re going to use to get there are the short-term goals that you’ll be achieving along the way but without an ultimate destination, a very specific ultimate destination, you aren’t going to get anywhere. That’s like trying to drive to Florida on your vacation and saying that it is somewhere “over there” east of you.

What Are Specific Goals?

What exactly are specific goals? Let’s take one of the goals that you probably have, because everyone trying to achieve success as an entrepreneur has this goal; to make more money. You can’t just use the goal of making more money, becoming rich or financial independence either, because those things mean nothing specifically. How are you going to know when you get there? How will you know if you’re on the path to get there?
Unless you make your goals specific you’ll have no direction; no specific place on the map that you can arrive at and know that you’re in the right place. So, let’s take our example of wanting to make money. Instead of having a goal that is this general, try creating a goal with something like: increase income by $10,000 per year by the end of the year, or by month 12 if you happen to be in the middle of the year.

So, you’ll know if you’ve actually achieved that goal, because you can look in your bank account, or at your financial information, and see that you earned an extra $10,000 in the past 12 months. Also, when you get to month six you’ll be able to look and see just how on track you are. If you are around halfway there, you know that you’re on track. If you haven’t made anything, you really need to step up during the next six months.

Aim High, like the Air Force
Do you know what you’re capable of? You might think you do, but for most people what they can actually achieve is quite different than what they think they can achieve. You have probably heard the axiom: whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. People have set world records in athletic events, and experts have deemed some of them the fastest or best the human body is capable of, and then someone from a remote part of the world didn’t get the memo that there was a limit as to what the human body was capable of until after they’d already broken the record.

Set your goals higher than you think you can achieve. Of course, don’t set them outrageously high to the point where they’re unrealistic, but set them higher than you think you’re probably capable of. For example, our previous goal of earning an extra $10,000 in 12 months is pretty reasonable and probably achievable depending on what you do to make it happen. If your goal is to make $100,000 over the next 12 months, that’s pretty unrealistic.

But what if your goal was to make an extra $15,000 in 12 months? You might think that you’re only capable of making an extra $10,000 but by setting the go higher you have something to aim for, and suppose you only make $12,000; that’s still $2000 more than your original goal.

Putting Goals into Action

You want to make a list of around five goals to start with. The number is not important; it is arbitrary. What is important is that you create enough goals that will allow you to accomplish something substantial in the next 12 months, or five years, or whatever your time frame is, and not so many goals that you have no chance of achieving them all. Then, for each goal, you’re going to make a plan of action. Earlier we used the analogy of driving a car to a vacation destination. Your plan of action is that car; it is the vehicle that is going to take you all the way to the end where your success waits.

Your plan of action is going to take you from where you are now all the way to the end result, which is your goal. It is going to include milestones or places that you stop along the way to check your progress as well as specific small goals that you’ll need to achieve to get to the big goal. It is sort of like playing a video game – you have to beat all of the easy monsters before you get to the big boss at the end of the level.

If your goal is to make an extra $10,000 in the next 12 months then you need to know what specific things you need to do to make that happen. Are you planning to start an online store? Are you making investments? Whatever your method is, you’ll have specific things that you need to accomplish, and that makes up the framework for your plan of action.

What If You Don’t Know How to Get There?
Sure, you might be saying, this is all well and good, but what do you do if you don’t know how to get to your destination – or achieve your ultimate goal? There are several ways that you can figure it out. You can do research online, you could write to some of the people that you admire and that you know who had success, and ask them how they were able to achieve their goals. You can read a few books or get advice from family or friends. There are many things that you can do to learn how to get from point A to point B.

Entrepreneurial Success: Serve Your Audience


Entrepreneurial Success: Serve Your Audience

The most successful people in the world do not have people in service to them; they are in service to other people. Think about Domino’s Pizza. A few years ago, this pizza chain had reduced profits with low sales all over the United States. So they changed their tactic. Instead of making pizzas according to their recipes, because that is the way it had always been, they asked their customers what they would prefer. It turned out, their customers wanted a better tasting pizza and so Domino’s went to work creating one. Now, profits are back up and the company is doing fine.
Another contemporary example: the fast food chain McDonald’s just announced that they are going to provide breakfast all day long. For decades, people have been held hostage to McDonald’s breakfast hours and other restaurants have taken advantage of this and enticed those customers by having a breakfast menu that was available longer or even all day. McDonald’s finally decided that they were here to serve their customers and not dictate the times that they should be eating breakfast, and expanded their breakfast menu hours to the entire day. Needless to say, the move was quite popular.
Who is your audience? Who are the people that are going to be responsible for your success? Your customers, of course; they are the people who buy your products and services. Some people look at this audience like it is here to serve them and their needs and in fact, the opposite is true. You need to be here to serve your audience. You need to find out what they want and what they need and then provide it to them. No matter if you are providing a product or service, if you want to be successful then get ready to serve your audience.

Entrepreneurial Success: Serve Your Audience

Your customers aren’t the only people that you should be serving. Helping people after you have already become successful is important but you don’t have to wait until you’ve reached your goals to start helping other people. There are many advantages that come with helping people with some of the areas that they’re struggling with, that you’re able to assist in. First, you’re going to feel great because you’re helping someone change their life and that is one of the biggest rewards and the most fulfilling things that we can do is human beings.
Also, you’re going to be teaching yourself at the same time you are teaching others. They say that that is the best way that you can learn something – by teaching it to someone else. You’ll be helping someone and you’ll both be learning something valuable as you strive for success. You’re also going to get some major motivation from helping others and especially if you can help them succeed. Your own enthusiasm is going to go up, your motivation is going to increase, your excitement will be high and your successes can be greater than they have been before.
You might not have thought about it, but those same people you’re helping now could end up being more successful than you and some areas and that could be a valuable relationship down the road. Most people are going to remember that you helped them for many years to come and not only would they be willing to do a favor if they’re in a position to do so they might even seek you out and offer.
Seek out Ways That You Can Help Others
Whether you are helping mentor other people trying to be successful in the same industry that you’re in or you’re helping your customers find exactly what they’re looking for and making sure that you provide them with the best service possible, you’re going to actually have to go out and seek ways to help people; they may not come to you. So, what are some of the
ways that you can find people that you are able to help? How do you know that they need help? Most importantly, what do you have to offer that is valuable enough to teach others?
This last question is important, not because there’s something that qualifies you to be a great teacher above all other things, but because you’re going to want to know the answer to that question so that you have the confidence to teach. As for finding people to help, your customers will probably come to you but make it clear that if they’re looking for something specific, even if you don’t necessarily deal with it in your own store or business, that they should ask you about it anyway because you might be able help.
Make sure that you post this on your website somewhere and go to social media to offer help as well. As far as mentoring goes, there are forums all over the Internet with people that are seeking advice, some of them better than others. Try to find people who are actually serious about being successful, like-minded with your own values and goals and willing to accept your help. There’s no sense in helping someone who isn’t going to put in the work because this will not give you any of the benefits that comes from helping people.

Entrepreneurial Success: Serve Your Audience

You want your customers to be happy. This means good customer service but if you really want to shine, go above and beyond with every single customer that you get. Do absolutely everything you can do to solve the problem and make them happy and you will reap the rewards.
They will talk about you to their friends, their colleagues and their family members and when they need a product or service that you sell they’ll be back to buy from you again and again. This is how Amazon has become so successful, by cultivating a reputation for customer service that is matched by no one else.  They understand who their audience is, and caters to their needs!

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