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Bad Habits…3 Brain Rewiring Methods


Bad Habits…3 Brain Rewiring Methods

Is your constant procrastinating starting to affect your productivity? Does binge eating leave you feeling guilty and hating yourself? Perhaps your obsession with social media or playing video games is starting to affect your family relationships. Whatever it is, a bad habit can become extremely debilitating – and over time, some habits can become serious addictions.
The Good news is that by rewiring your brain, you can regain control of your life and overcome your bad habits.
Rewiring the brain simply means training your brain’s neurotransmitters to stop responding to triggers that cause negative behaviors. Behaviors become habits when neural pathways are created in your brain when you consistently respond to a certain trigger. However, these neural pathways are not permanent. They can diminish and disappear altogether if replaced with new pathways.
The following three methods will explain how this can be done and will help you start rewiring your brain.

Bad Habits…3 Brain Rewiring Methods

1. Redirect your reward triggers with aerobics
When we satisfy our craving for pizza and ice cream, we feel good – at least for a while. Telling yourself that, “I have plenty of time to get it done later, you feel reassured and in control. Your brain is rewarding you for your binge eating and procrastination. It has learned that this behavior makes you feel good and therefore, is beneficial for you.
The brain rewards us by releasing dopamine, commonly known as the “feel-good” hormone. The best way to break a bad habit is to replace the negative behavior that releases dopamine with a positive one.
Several research studies have shown that aerobic exercise is one of the best triggers of dopamine release. Aerobic exercise floods your body with dopamine, giving you feelings of accomplishment and pleasure.
With regular aerobic exercise, you can shift your brain’s neural pathways so that you are rewarded for different behavior. This will make it easier to avoid negative habits and gradually overcome them altogether.

2. Schedule daily tasks
Believe it or not, scheduling your daily tasks can regulate the release of dopamine by the brain. The trick is to make a daily to-do list with short tasks that can be accomplished and crossed off (break up longer tasks into two or three smaller steps).
The secret is to continue crossing off accomplished tasks throughout the day. The sense of pleasure and reward you feel will make it so much easier to not smoke that cigarette or give in to a craving – because you already feel rewarded!
Over time, your brain will learn to associate the accomplished tasks with something that is good for you. Moreover, accomplishing scheduled tasks throughout the day will keep dopamine flowing through your body so that you are less likely to engage in bad habits.
3. Structure your Lifestyle
The Ultradian Rhythm is a process by which our brain releases dopamine at regular times throughout the day. You can regulate this process simply by structuring activities like mealtimes, exercise times and bedtimes to create a consistent cycle of dopamine release.
Research suggests that a structured lifestyle can regulate the release of dopamine at consistent times throughout the day, keeping you motivated to continue practicing healthier habits. By synchronizing healthy habits (regular, balanced meals and a healthy bedtime routine) with the release of dopamine, you are less likely to revisit old, negative habits.

Bad Habits…3 Brain Rewiring Methods

Ongoing research is beginning to confirm that the secret of overcoming bad habits lies in the feelings of pleasure they give us. Rewiring your brain to associate pleasurable feelings with positive habits is the secret to success.
Start using these three powerful tools today and give them some time to work. Remember, old habits die hard – but die they will if you are committed and persistent!

2 Super Secrets to Rewire Your Brain for Maximum Productivity


2 Super Secrets to Rewire Your Brain for Maximum Productivity

Today, technology offers us a vast array of time-saving tools and gadgets to help us save time and effort. These are marketed as productivity-booster and efficiency enhancers – but are they really?
The real source of your productivity is your brain. All the tools in the world are useless if your brain is just not “wired” for optimum productivity. The problem may lie in your brain‘s ability to stay alert, focused and motivated. There can be many reasons for this but the biggest culprit by far is stress, followed by your environment. This is where brain rewiring comes in.
By rewiring your brain, with these two simple methods, you will be amazed. They will have a huge impact on your productivity:

2 Super Secrets to Rewire Your Brain for Maximum Productivity

Method #1:  Rewire to redirect stress
Nothing kills productivity faster than an overstressed brain. Stress affects us negatively on so many levels, physical and mental.

  • It affects blood flow to the brain and slows down the cerebral cortex
  • It fogs thinking and decreases our ability to focus.
  • It can greatly affect our judgment and our ability to make the right decision
  • Severe stress triggers the “fight and flight” response, where we tend to react to situations emotionally rather than rationally.

This powerful method for redirecting stress is called MIR (Measure, Interrupt, Replace). Here’s how it works:

  • Whenever you become aware of stress you are aware of stress, the first thing you do is measure whether it is mild, moderate or severe.
  • Immediately interrupt your brain’s thought mode before it triggers a stress response, such as anger,  a rash decision, or a feeling of being overwhelmed.
  • Immediately replace the stress reaction with another action. This could be a deep breath, laughter or a 5-minute time out where you engage in a relaxing activity. You should redirect your response depending on your stress level. In cases of extreme stress for example, a brisk walk or a few minutes of meditation or deep breathing will work better than laughter.
  • Responding positively to stress releases the feel-good hormone dopamine into your brain and reduces the release of stress hormones.

Always redirect your response to stress in these positive ways.
Note: You will need to repeat this exercise intentionally at least 200 times before your mind becomes rewired and begins to respond this way automatically – and voila! You have rewired your brain to beat stress in almost any situation!

2 Super Secrets to Rewire Your Brain for Maximum Productivity

Method #2:  Consider a change in lighting
This may be surprising to you but the lighting in your workspace or home environment affects your cognitive processes. The following steps can boost your brainpower and productivity:

  • Blue lighting boosts your brain energy during the daytime, so make sure you are using blue light in your office or workspace.
  • Get rid of fluorescent lighting immediately. Your brain detects and processes the speed at which it flickers, and this saps your brain of energy. A tired brain results in diminished cognitive function.
  • Expose yourself to natural light as much as you can. Research has found that natural light has tremendous physical and mental regenerative properties.
  • Use Blue lighting in your bathroom to start your day with a powerful energy boost to your brain.

It’s not surprising that rewiring your brain  is becoming hugely popular. It costs nothing, it can be done by anyone and the results are guaranteed.
Becoming more productive has nothing to do with external tools and devices. It’s about rewiring your brain to deal efficiently with any situation. Start practicing these two methods today and enjoy the results!

5 Steps To Generating Your Own Passive List Building Machine!


5 Steps To Generating Your Own Passive List Building Machine!

How do you build a list building system that funnels subscribers passively into your database day in and day out?
Well, this one question is one of the major questions I get from many of my subscribers who are interested in building a responsive email list. The majority of my subscribers say that they built a marketable email list by using various tactics like ad swaps, articles, and solo ads. But their major problem comes in the area of sustaining their email list growth.
A lot of my subscribers shared with me that they are actually losing more subscribers than they are actually gaining. So how do we avoid this?
Well, that is the focus of this article.

5 Steps To Generating Your Own Passive List Building Machine!

Now let me start off by saying that you will be deceiving yourself if you just think that you can overcome this problem of constantly losing subscribers without any work.
Sitting on your butt and doing nothing is the hogwash approach to online marketing!
It really frustrates me to even think that there are actual individuals who believe that success can come with no work at all!
So before I move forward, make sure you get the lazy approach to online marketing out of your system as soon as possible. If you do not extract laziness from your life and your business, you won’t see any improvement in your life and online business.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me begin describing a legitimate way to passively funnel fresh responsive subscribers into your database.
I will list a series of steps that you can follow below:
1. Generate a content site for your niche
The goal in this step is to generate a website full of useful content that is related to the niche you are trying to build an email list for. A good content site, when organized well, can actually send repeat visitors to your website.
2. Place a Tell a Friend form at the bottom of the pages on your content site
A tell a friend form is a form that allows a visitor to recommend their friends to your website if they find the information on your website useful. A good content site with very valuable information will be virally recommended to a visitor’s friends and family if they find the content enjoyable and full of high quality information.
Therefore, make every effort to select or add the best quality content you can.

5 Steps To Generating Your Own Passive List Building Machine!

3. Add a popup note to every page of your content site
Adding a popup note to your website is an easy way to instantly grab the eyeballs of your visitors and force them to sign up to your newsletter or ezine. The type of popup notes I am referring to have been known to increase the responsiveness of website visitors to a certain offer just by describing the offer in the note.
Just make sure you put a popup note on every page of your content website and you should see some consistent list growth. Also, make sure the popup is advertising your newsletter or ezine.
4. Write an article or press release about your new content website
Writing an article or press release is just a way to jump start the traffic to your website. Just one press release can send you hundreds of links to your site as well as some media publicity.
5. Generate another content website by repeating steps 1 thru 4…or just continue adding original content to your website.
Now this is all it takes to produce a passive list building machine that consistently sends streams of subscribers to your newsletter or ezine. The more content sites you have, the more subscribers you will be able to passively generate.

Start A Business With Pajamas On


Start A Business With Pajamas On

There are two type of people in the world. Those who see the glass half empty and those who see it half full. This experience was heightened for me when I had lunch with an old colleague from work and he began to complain about how only rich people could start a business. I thought he was joking.
As I sat and listened he ranted for almost ten minutes giving all the reasons he could not start his own business and get out of the rat race. He talked about the high cost of start ups, franchising and real estate development. When he finally came up for air I decided to ask simply ask him one question. Mark, “Have you every asked yourself what kind of low cost businesses with high profit margins are out there?”
He looked like he had been run over by a truck. I went on to say, “You are just asking the wrong question.” He sat for a minute and said, “Ok, if you’re so smart give me some ideas.” I said, “Great. Oh and by the way let’s make it fun and focus on the ones you can work from home in your pajamas.”
Here are the 5 low cost high profit businesses I shared with Mark.
1. Internet Marketing: Do you have a computer in your home? If so you could be sitting on a gold mine. People use the internet to do all types of things. From a multimillion dollar wire jewelry making enterprise to a young kid from Long Beach California who created his empire teaching people how to play music by ear. Everyday people are getting on the internet and pursuing their own dot com fortune.
2. Tele-seminars: If you not a very technical person one of the best strategies is tele-seminars. With simply a telephone and a conference call line for your guest to call in on you can offer a class or seminar. You can either use it as a lead generator or you can sell your product or service from the seminar itself. An additional product can come from recording the class. Once you record the class it can become an instant product you can create passive income from.

Start A Business With Pajamas On

3. Joint Ventures: If you like the idea of not needing a product or money of your own than the idea of joint venturing could be for you. This business is simply the art of the deal. You are paid in direct proportion to your ability to bring together two parties who would not otherwise know each other outside of your introduction.
For example if you combine company A’s products, knowledge, resources and partner it with company B’s client list you get to share in the profits. And it would not cost you one cent.
4. Affiliate Marketing: What if someone else did most of the work but you got to share in the profit pie? Well, that is what affiliate marketing is all about. There are thousands of products ranging from digital down loads, books, seminars not to mention hard products like computers, cell phones and other techie stuff. Your job is to find the products that your market is interested in and when you sell something you get a percentage of the sale. You can do this without having any inventory or the overhead of a traditional business.
5. Information Products: This is one of the most highly lucrative low cost businesses you can get into. If you have specialized knowledge or can do you can research and report on it you can create products that are highly profitable. For example, one of the fastest ways to success is to interview experts in a high demand niche market.
Once you have interviewed these experts you can take the information and create several different products from the one interview. Some of the things you can do is sell the recording itself, sell the transcript of the call, use some of the content create an e-book or report or take several of the interviews and put them together for an expert tape series.
6. Network Marketing/MLM: I have always been a fan of network marketing because the business model is as much about self development as it is building a business. The premise is you find a company that you are passionate about the product, has a proven system and strong team leadership. Most of these companies are low cost of entry. And you build your empire leveraging the efforts of many.
Some people incorrectly believe you are going to get rich off the back of someone else. Not true. The very core of network marketing is built on the fact that you get paid in direct proportion of your ability to recruit, train, inspire, support and lead a voluntary group of people. For those who can do this the rewards are great.
7. EBay: I was recently introduced to the EBay craze by someone who in the beginning had no money so he decided to sell a tape set a friend had created. This product was a compilation of interviews with successful entrepreneurs. Their first sale was $37.00 and they went on to build multi-million dollar empire. EBay is one of the quickest ways to get to a profit. You can take things that you have in your garage today and sell them on EBay tomorrow. Remember one mans junk is another mans treasure.

Start A Business With Pajamas On

At the end of the lunch something interesting happened. My friend Mark was starting to see the glass half full. How about you? Are you looking for a business you can start without breaking the bank? The above five businesses are just a few ideas to jump start your thought process. However, make no mistake you can start a low cost high profit business and enjoy it while lounging in your pajamas.

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